First Lutheran Church
Gladstone, Michigan

1212 Minneapolis Ave.
Gladstone, MI-49837
Phone: 906-428-4565
First Lutheran Church hosts a vibrant group of sewing ladies who work year round to create quilts, layettes, health kits, and school kits. Their work touches lives around the world making a difference for persons in need.
In 2021 the sewing group put together approximately 217 quilts, 536 baby care kits, and 200 school kits and 400 masks, 400 feminine pads, and 100 doggie bags. How did they do it? Every Tuesday morning from 9 to noon over 30 women gather at church and elsewhere to do their work.
One group rips, cuts, sews, and creates quilts that bring warmth and color for distribution by Lutheran World Relief.
Another group works to put together kits that will include diapers, simple clothing items (like hats and socks), and education items. Refugees have little time to pack up when they need to flee, so these kits provide the basics for people who have nothing!
Almost have of the ladies who gather are members of First Lutheran – and the rest are members of other congregations, or simply people seeking to make a difference.
But that’s not all…
- Yet another group of 15 women gathers on Thursday afternoons at the senior housing complex to cut squares of fabric used by the ladies on Tuesday. And again, most of these ladies are not First Lutheran members, but they are a part of our ministry!
- And another group of ladies work at home to provide the raw materials for quilts and kits.
- Still more…the folk at St. Vincent DePaul Society in Gladstone regularly supply the ladies with material and items that cannot be used at their thrift store – an ecumenical partnership that reminds us of our unity in Jesus Christ.
- And then…on occasion our ladies send fabric to congregations in Rock, Rapid River, and Escanaba for use by their groups.
All told over 50 ladies are involved in this ministry. Lots of discipleship happening all week – you are welcome to join the fun…just stop by and they will put you to work!
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